
2/2/2024 Rating announcement EN
Scope affirms Georgia’s BB credit ratings, maintaining a Stable Outlook
Strong public-debt profile, declining government-debt ratio and strong medium-run growth prospects support the ratings. Sustained geopolitical and domestic political risks alongside external vulnerabilities are ratings challenges.

27/1/2023 Rating announcement EN
Scope affirms Georgia’s BB ratings, and maintains a Stable Outlook
Resilient growth since Russia-Ukraine crisis, prudent fiscal policy, strong debt profile and strengthened banking system support ratings. Heightened geopolitical and domestic political risks alongside external vulnerabilities are ratings challenges.

17/4/2020 Rating announcement EN
Scope revises the Outlook on Georgia to Negative, affirms ratings at BB
The exposure to the Covid-19 shock, tighter financing conditions and elevated exchange rate volatility amid high dollarisation drive the Outlook change. The commitment to structural reforms and fiscal discipline are credit strengths.
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