

      Scope affirms the Kingdom of Belgium's ratings at AA- with Negative Outlooks

      24/1/2025 Rating announcement EN

      Scope affirms the Kingdom of Belgium's ratings at AA- with Negative Outlooks

      Fiscal and political uncertainties drive the affirmation. A wealthy economy, favourable debt profile and sound external position anchor the ratings.

      Scope has completed a monitoring review for the Kingdom of Belgium

      2/8/2024 Monitoring note EN

      Scope has completed a monitoring review for the Kingdom of Belgium

      The periodic review has resulted in no rating action.

      Scope has completed a monitoring review of the Kingdom of Belgium

      8/3/2024 Monitoring note EN

      Scope has completed a monitoring review of the Kingdom of Belgium

      The periodic review has resulted in no rating action.

      Scope affirms the Kingdom of Belgium's ratings at AA-; revises the Outlook to Negative from Stable

      15/9/2023 Rating announcement EN

      Scope affirms the Kingdom of Belgium's ratings at AA-; revises the Outlook to Negative from Stable

      Wide budget deficits, rising public debt and persistent governance challenges drive the outlook revision. A wealthy and diversified economy, robust market access, a strong debt profile, and sound external position support the ratings.

      Scope completed a monitoring review of the Kingdom of Belgium

      31/3/2023 Monitoring note EN

      Scope completed a monitoring review of the Kingdom of Belgium

      Monitoring review announcement

      Scope affirms the Kingdom of Belgium's credit ratings at AA- and maintains the Stable Outlook

      14/10/2022 Rating announcement EN

      Scope affirms the Kingdom of Belgium's credit ratings at AA- and maintains the Stable Outlook

      A wealthy and diversified economy, a robust market access, a strong debt profile and a sound external position support the ratings. Deteriorating fiscal fundamentals and structural economic bottlenecks represent credit challenges.

      Scope takes no action on the Kingdom of Belgium

      29/4/2022 Monitoring note EN

      Scope takes no action on the Kingdom of Belgium

      No action has been taken on the Kingdom of Belgium following a monitoring review.

      Scope takes no action on the Kingdom of Belgium

      19/11/2021 Monitoring note EN

      Scope takes no action on the Kingdom of Belgium

      No action has been taken on the Kingdom of Belgium following a monitoring review.

      Scope downgrades the Kingdom of Belgium's ratings to AA-; Outlook revised to Stable

      28/5/2021 Rating announcement EN

      Scope downgrades the Kingdom of Belgium's ratings to AA-; Outlook revised to Stable

      Material and lasting impact of Covid-19 on fiscal fundamentals and structural economic bottlenecks drive downgrade. A wealthy and diversified economy, strong market access and sturdy debt profile as well as a sound external position are credit strengths.

      Scope takes no action on the Kingdom of Belgium

      22/1/2021 Monitoring note EN

      Scope takes no action on the Kingdom of Belgium

      No action has been taken on the Kingdom of Belgium following a monitoring review.